
Abstracting and indexing

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge is currently under evaluation by the Web of Science and Scopus databases.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge is covered by the following services:
- Baidu Scholar
- Cabell's Whitelist
- CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
- CNPIEC - cnpLINKer
- Dimensions
- EBSCO (relevant databases)
- EBSCO Discovery Service
- EconBiz
- Google Scholar
- J-Gate
- JournalTOCs
- KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders)
- Microsoft Academic
- MyScienceWork
- Naver Academic
- NAVIGA (Softweco)
- Primo Central (ExLibris)
- ProQuest (relevant databases)
- Publons
- QOAM (Quality Open Access Market)
- ReadCube
- ResearchGate
- Semantic Scholar
- Summon (ProQuest)
- TDNet
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb
- WanFang Data
- WorldCat (OCLC)