Electronic Banking, Its Use And Safety. Are There Differences In The Access Of Bank Customers By Gender, Education And Age?


  • Jaroslav Belás Department of Enterprise Economics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlin
  • Michal Korauš Pan-European University, Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Lenka Gabčová Department of Enterprise Economics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlin




Commercial banks, electronic banking, the use of electronic banking, electronic banking security, gender, education, age


Electronic banking is an important area of banking activities, under which the commercial banks try to retain existing clients or attract new customers through a better quality of service and decrease in prices of these services. The aim of the article was to examine selected attributes of security and the use of electronic banking and quantify differences in approach of the bank customers by gender, education and age. Our research confirmed that the dominant part of banking customers use electronic access when managing their personal finances. We found out that there are some differences in the approach of the bank customers in terms of their education. The customers with higher education to a greater extent and more intensively use electronic banking. In the safety area, we did not find any significant differences between banking clients by gender, education and age. The only exception is the finding that clients up to 35 years are significantly more confident in the use of electronic banking through public networks.


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How to Cite

Belás, J. ., Korauš, M., & Gabčová, L. . (2015). Electronic Banking, Its Use And Safety. Are There Differences In The Access Of Bank Customers By Gender, Education And Age?. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.37335/ijek.v3i2.29